Here's a summary of the single key commands in ArchiCAD. I didn't know some of them either. G & C will save you a lot of mouse milage.
- A - Activates the Angle Coordintate
- B - Activates the Base Value (in the Info Box)
- C - Cycles through the Construction Methods
- D - Activates the Divisions Snap Option**
- G - Cycles through the Geometry Methods
- H - Activates the Angle Bisector Modifiers**
- O - Activates and switches between Offset and Multiple Offset**
- P - Activates and switches between Parallel and Perpendicular Modifiers**
- Q - Cycles through the Quick Alignment Methods (when Shift-constraining)
- R - Activates the Radial Coordinate
- S - Cycles through the Grid Snap Options (former esc function)
- T - Activates the Top Value (in the Info Box)
- X - Activates the X Coordinate
- Y - Activates the Y Coordinate
- Z - Activates the Z Coordinate
- 2 - Pans Left
- 4 - Pans Down
- 6 - Pans Right
- 8 - Pans Up
** Broken in OS X. Too bad, epecially P.