On the ArchiCAD Help Menu, beneath the first two items, you will find two lists of items.

The first list consists of links to PDFs, including the ArchiCAD manuals. The PDFs reside in the Documentation folder within the ArchiCAD folder. Any PDF placed in this folder will appear in the menu.

The second consists of links to web sites. The links reside in the WWWLinks folder within the ArchiCAD folder. Any link placed in this folder will appear in the menu.

What it does:

• Limits the area for a Find & Select.

• Limits the area for a Select All, or a tool-specific Select All.

• Limits the model displayed in the 3D window.

• Marquee-stretches. Elements wholly within are dragged, elements partly within are stretched. Groups off!

• Limits the elements to save as a module. With heavy marquee, makes it possible to save a multi-story module.

• Limits the print area, instead of resizing the window.

• Makes it possible to show section perspectives.

Remember that with a marquee placed, everything in side the marquee is selected for any purpose other than changing settings. All the transformations and copy transformations will work. Delete will work. Eek!

See Also:
ArchiCAD 10 Reference Guide pg. 56