Location: 16 Electrical/Elec Symbols.

Replaces 'SwitchMulti JAM8'. Improvements: Bigger 'S'. Any switch can be shown as a dimmer. The extent of the switch plate is shown as a line at the base. This line can be stretched to add or subtract switches. The limit is 6. Probably enough?

It retains the optional 3D. It should be placed on the layer 'E Fixt3' or 'E Fixt2'.

Location: 11 Equipment.

Dishwasher JAM8 is a dishwasher. Fridge UnderCounter JAM8 is an under-counter refrigerator. Pretty simple really.

M Fixt
Non-ceiling mechanical fixtures, such as floor registers. Shows in mechanical plan, or in the floor plan if you don't have a mechanical plan and you want to show the registers. (We did this on Stevens.)

M Fixt Clg2
Ceiling mechanical fixtures, such as ceiling registers or returns. Shows in mechanical plan and reflected ceiling plan.

M Equip
Mechanical equipment, such as furnaces, air handlers, water heaters. Shows in mechanical plan, electrical plan, floor plan, and section. If you don't want a particular element to show in section, turn the 3D off in the object.

E Fixt2
Wall & Floor fixtures, switches, receptacles; symbol only. Shows in Electrical Plan.

E Fixt3
Wall & Floor fixtures, switches, receptacles; modeled, display with symbols. Shows in Electrical Plan, A5 Interior Elevations, View Interior.

E Fixt Clg2
Ceiling fixtures, symbol only. Shows in Electrical Plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan.

E Fixt Clg3
Ceiling fixtures, modeled, display with symbols. Shows in Electrical Plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan, A5 Interior Elevations, View Interior.

E Fixt Ext3
Exterior wall fixtures, modeled, display with symbols. Shows in 1/4" Elevations, Electrical plan.

E Fixt Ext Clg3
Exterior ceiling fixtures, modeled, display with symbols. Shows in 1/4" Elevations, Electrical plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan.

Why do we need six electrical fixture layers? Read on if you're interested.
