Obsolete. Use this method (zones) or this method (fills) instead.

Your first list. I'm so proud.

Calculate Menu, List Zones | FA [Something] (JAM8.lis). You can also find lists in the project map under 'Lists'.

There are several different calculations available: Rooms on each story, total rooms, garage, exterior spaces. Each is set up to include zones in the appropriate category and stories.

The list will give the area of each zone and a total. There is no way to do a subtotal by story; that's why the lists are separate. I feel your pain.

[Note: This object has been superseded.]

This is the stamp you will use most of the time. Right now it's the only one we have.

It's pretty hard to tell it apart from the Room Name object. There are some differences.

The name list is hooked up to the Room Name parameter of the zone tool, which lets you select from the list in the info box.

The text size of the name is also available in the info box. The size for the material label is only in the settings, though.

There are parameters for the crown type, base type, and ceiling finish, for use in generating a finish schedule. Note: You must enter these. They don't learn from the room automatically, yet.

Zones are calculation instruments. They represent rooms and other definable areas/volumes in the project.
