[Slightly updated, really just bumped. Originally posted in April 04.]

Turn the Schedule Symbol off and leave it off. At the bottom of the settings dialog you'll see a division called 'Dimension Marker'. Click the flyout at the top and select 'Door[or Window]TagJAM9'.

Why do it this way instead of the old way? Because the display of these markers is a display option. To show the markers, choose 'Show with Dimension' under the doors and windows display option. To hide them but show the swings, choose 'Show on Plan'. This allows you to show the swings in the electrical plan without the tags.

One glitch: For JAM8 windows, if the door/window is in a mirrored wall, the symbol will go to the wrong side. Mirror the wall segment again to fix it, or just drag the tag. The JAM9 windows won't have this problem.