The label gives the height of a wall. It will typically be used for knee walls. It can be used in section or in plan. It will only work as an associated label; select the wall and check the "Label Elements" box.

The value displayed is the height of the wall in the settings. This means that for trimmed walls, you have to "Set wall height to highest point" when trimming, or manually set the wall height to an appropriate value. Tip: trim the wall using "highest point", then round the height UP to the next 1/4", 1/2", or whole inch.

See Also: Labels

Location - 13 Special Construction

From the Objects We Wouldn't Need If the Tools Worked Right...

The object makes a roof curved around the Z axis. That is, it's not a vault. Here's three of the four that are in use on Vassos.

The point is: If you use roof elements, you get a lot of extra lines. With this object you don't. You will still get a line where the object meets a regular roof, but I can't do anything about that. Instead of 16 extra lines, you have two. We do what we can.

The outer radius is controlled by the length parameter. The inner radius, as shown on the porch roof above, is controlled by the "Inner Radius" parameter. If this is zero, you get a point, as shown on the tower.

Naturally you can set the slope and the thickness. Currently the bottom edge is always horizontal; place a slab under it. You can set the three materials separately, as with a conventional roof.

The edge of the roof is detectable in plan, and there are editing hotspots for the arc degrees and the two radii.

The object can show a fill in plan. The fill orients itself to the slope. The fill is a cover fill, so its display will follow the display of the conventional roof fills.