Poche Pen: Instead of using a pen from the gray region, we have a dedicated poche pen. This should make changing the color of poche easier in the future, if we ever have to do it again. It's pen 50. All the model tool defaults and composites are updated. (This change is optional for current projects, but it is supported by the new layout book.)

Finish fill pen to 92 from 93. Default of fill tool changed accordingly, along with cover fill setting for cover fill elements.

Title block, drawing area, detail area, SK objects switched to new version. Drawing area and title block hotspots replaced.

New pen settings: Adjusted weights, and color of pen 50. Attribute file: Color Pens 0105.aat. PlotMaker Pens are in Black Pens 0105.aat.

Deleted stupid drawing area from Perspective View window.


New pen settings: Adjusted weights, and color of pen 50.

Plot setup tiffs removed.

Changed page setup for each master layout.

Adjusted title block, sheet number text, and detail grid locations for each master.

Here's a new category where I'm going to log changes to the templates. It's not required reading, but if you're curious go ahead.