In the ArchiCAD library, there are niche objects, such as W Niche and W Niche Round. These are actually windows. They are built on the WALLNICHE GDL statement. The trouble with these niches is that with the Doors & Windows display option set to Hide on Plan or Reflected Ceiling, they appear to be full, through-wall openings. In addition, they may not handle composite walls correctly.

This is fine:

But when you turn the Doors & Windows off, you get a misleading graphic:

Instead, try a slab and an SEO subtraction.


This layer is for operator elements which you would like to show in plan.

Example: You can use the filleted disc and box objects to cut a ceiling, and display those cutting elements in the plan with a dashed line. You still have to draw them over in the RCP, but two elements is better than three.

Another example: A slab subtracted from a wall to make a niche.