Alphabetical by name of thing. Please suggest improvements and additions. Note: I change the date whenever I update this, so it will pop up every now and then. Rest assured it's not all new. Big changes will have a post of their own.

Updated for 10. You will see these changes in the templates when you start a project in 10. I figured now is the time to make changes. Nothing too major:

+Z SK Title is gone. SK titles should be placed in the layout only.

• Most +L layers become +C instead. C=Civil and is more standard.

+L House Outline becomes +C Footprint.

Z Light is new, for sun and sky objects for LightWorks rendering.

• We're going to use real section markers:

+Z SE & Detail Object becomes +Z SE Print. Use this layer for sections that print.

+Z S/E Tool becomes +Z SE Hide. Use this layer for junk sections and others you don't want to see in plan. (At the beginning of the project, all the markers are on the hidden layer. Move them to the Print layer as needed.)

+A Roof Plan Line is gone. Use A Roof2.


The AC9 Display Options dialog had two divisions. 'Options for Display Only' only affect screen appearance. 'Options for Display and Output' also affect the printed output.

In 10, these two groups are entirely separated, even to the point of appearing on different menus.

'Options for Display Only' no longer has a dialog box. They become the items on the menu View -> On-Screen View Options. They are unchanged except:

• 'True line weight' is an on-screen option. It is not saved with views, and is not reflected in printing. (In the new Print dialog, there is an option for 'Hairline'. I can't see using that very often.)

• There are two layout-specific options, 'Drawing Frames' and 'Master Items on Layout'. I would always have those on, I think.

There are also toolbar buttons available for these settings, which is nice. (Though it's sad day for Karl's QuickDisplay thing.) I recommend buttons for the section depth, line weight, and vectorial fill settings.

'Options for Display and Output' becomes 'Model View Options' at Document -> Set Model View -> Model View Options. You can also select Display Model View Options combinations from this menu.

There aren't any new options, but there is a new, spectacularly improved dialog box, and they've added the ability to import and export MVO combinations, similar to the Work Environment.

The Model View Options are the ones saved with views.