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Searched for "layoutBook"

13 Results

All the common layouts (that we can think of) are blocked up in the project templates. These guidelines apply no matter when a layout is first needed.
This is obsolete as of Archicad 15. From that version onward, renovation is the way. Read this instead. What happens when the existing model and drawings are done. The basic idea is to keep the existing conditions, both the PLN and the layout book, tucked away safely. It is theoretically possible to get existing drawings out of the addition project,
Our title block is an object with hard-coded dimensions for each sheet size on our printers. The template has a worksheet for each sheet size, and within each worksheet is placed a title block object set to that size. Then there's a saved view of each worksheet, and the view is placed in each master of a given size. One
What happens if you revive an ancient project and you want use the layout structure of the current template?
The templates have a fax transmittal as part of the layout book.
Archicad 10 offers the ability to place a live drawing list, which will automatically list the sheets in the set. It works, for the most part, with a little tweaking.
Navigator Theory Creating Views Developing Layouts Applied Navigator Theory: Other Kinds of Plans Plotting 2: PDF Archives Append Date Template Publisher Sets PDF Placement
Background: Navigator Theory Issue: You need plumbing (or mechanical, etc) plans, which aren't set up in the templates. This is a piece of cake.
The model is in there. Don't look at it, just imagine it. Think of the real buildings you can't see at the moment. The Lincoln Memorial is there. Trust me. The model is before everything in the Navigator. No model, nothing to Navigate, right? The Navigator, besides being indispensable to your productivity, is good illustration of Archicad's intended model-to-deliverables workflow.
The integrated layout book in AC10 makes it even easier to start layouts in advance, in the templates, and have them nearly 'just work'. All the common layouts (that I can think of) are blocked up in the project templates. Developing the layouts consists mostly of framing the plan, tuning up the section/elevations, and arranging the drawings on the sheets.
AC10 explicitly supports running more than one instance of AC at a time. In fact, in certain situations you have to. Like pen sets, this is a case where a mandatory technical change has a lot of secondary benefits.
To facilitate the creation of post-project binders.
I will use a new home in this description. Existing drawings are very similar. Warning: This is a whopper.