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Searched for "pens"

22 Results

Updated for Archicad 25.
Standard pens updated for Archicad 25. More on pen sets here. Color Hatch set, typical for working
This object builds a model of any pen set in the project. Yes, a model. There is a block for each pen, which is the color of the pen, and the height of the block is the width of the pen enlarged from mm to meters. There is no REQUEST for pen set data in GDL. So to get the
Updated for Archicad 19. Pen sets let you change the appearance of output at the very last moment - when the drawing, based on the view, is headed out the door. The colors you see while working on the model can be completely different from the published output, and they should be.
Standard pens updated for Archicad 19. The only substantive change since 2007 is that we've dropped pen 170 for structural posts on the story below. This was an ugly hack that's no longer needed since we can use Library Globals to control display of those elements. That's a very small change, but I wanted it to be clear that these
Typically we try to get the existing conditions completed before starting demolition and new construction. It's good practice to save a copy of the PLN at this stage, along with a PDF of the existing plans. But in principle, we should be able to get existing plans out of the project at any stage, and there might be projects
The user has requirements. The software has capabilities. Where the capabilities end and the requirements keep going is a limit. To get beyond the limit requires workarounds. Some limits are harder than others and all we can do is wish (beg) them removed. Here's a rich example concerning structural posts (columns) in residential construction. These are things like 4x4s, multiple
Pen 50 is the poché pen. It is gray (80% +/- I think) in model and layout pen sets. It should be the background color of any cut fill in new construction. (Existing condition elements are white.) That said, one of the advantages of pen sets is having black+grayscale output while the much more colorful model pens help you stay
Standard pens updated for AC11. Changing the pens is a pain, and it's potentially disruptive. I try to avoid it. With this update, I'm trying to minimize disruption while building a system that can adapt in the future. It should hold us for a while.
Summary: With the model and the layouts in one file, pen sets manage the difference between the model pens and the output pens. In addition, they can do view-option-type tricks. Background: In Archicad 9, there was one set of pens. In PlotMaker 9, there was also only one, and it could be different from the set in AC. Or, each
The workflow: Build the model, fill it with information, decide what you want to show, and get the drawings out as automatically and predictably as you can. We want to focus on the model; that's where the building is. We want the output to just work. Modeling and annotation is craft. Output is for robots. This duality is evident in
Standard pens updated for AC10. Changes: • Pen #1 is not a good choice for a cut pen. Use 15,25,35,... • There's a new typical row: The 160s. They're blue-gray. I recommend them for use with doors and windows. Use the 20s for stair elements. • Pens 191-196 are the 'white-out' pens. They can be used to mask unwanted lines
This is obsolete as of Archicad 15 which brought new Renovation. MacDonald is a long-completed new home project. I don't know how long, but the important thing is that it's an AC7 project. We are reviving it for the purpose of some interior renovation. Naturally, we want to use the data we have. There are a few issues in working
In framing plans, it's often helpful to show the walls on stories below with dashed lines. Especially roof framing. Well how do you do that.
Another thrilling episode of Template Update. • I put autotexts in the Project Title detail window. Instead of defaulting to 'Somebody Residence', it says {CLIENT} {PROJECTNAME}*. Similar for the address. • I changed the weights of the white pens (10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 91) to 0.0 mm. This shouldn't have any negative side effects. The idea behind white pens
You need a PMK which has the pen settings you require. If you are changing the pens in order to plot, or toggle between printing and plotting, use the PMKs located at 3 Resources : Attributes. If for some reason you need Archicad pens in Plotmaker, save any PMK from AC. Import the PMK to your layout book. Place the
(I solved the screenshot problem by taking fewer screenshots.) Pen table in Archicad...PM... • Most work is done using the typical rows. The first pen is thinnest, at 0.04mm. Each sucessive pen is slightly thicker, up to 0.8 mm. The pens darken very slightly from left to right. The color change should not be apparent in general use. For typical
One more change resulting from the new plotter: To go along with the dedicated poche pen, 50, we have a dedicated Material fill pen, 150. On the same principle as the poche pen, this gives us specialized control over the material fill color without changing a lot of settings. I thought 150 and 50 kind of went together. The pen
Composites allow you to show multiple cut fills in a wall, slab, or roof. I can think of three reasons to use them. • To display multiple fills. Example: Masonry veneer on a stud wall. This is the most obvious, and probably original, reason to have them. Ironically, such composites don't work at all unless you've made your own windows
PLN: Poche Pen: Instead of using a pen from the gray region, we have a dedicated poche pen. This should make changing the color of poche easier in the future, if we ever have to do it again. It's pen 50. All the model tool defaults and composites are updated. (This change is optional for current projects, but it is