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At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on Mac OS X. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.
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(Formalization of this.) If you have a job too large to print in house, email PDF files here. The files size limit is about 50MB. Put the job details in the message, including the number of sets, delivery time, and any special instructions. MBC advises us that you should call them to make sure the job got there and that
(Similar to: In-House Printing (PlotMaker 9)) For large format output we use that enormous, hot, 16-amp-pulling thing in the middle of the office. (Note: This is about printing layouts. 'Check printing' from AC, for the heck of it, is another matter.)
This is how to install the large format printer. Installing other printers is similar in some respects.
For large format output we use that enormous, hot, 16-amp-pulling thing in the middle of the office. Here is how to install the plotter on your machine. In PlotMaker, Page Setup. Go to File -> Page Setup. (Not Plot Setup!) At "Format For", select "WINPRINT". Select the Paper Size from the next pulldown. 18x24 is ARC C. 24x36 is
One more change resulting from the new plotter: To go along with the dedicated poche pen, 50, we have a dedicated Material fill pen, 150. On the same principle as the poche pen, this gives us specialized control over the material fill color without changing a lot of settings. I thought 150 and 50 kind of went together. The pen
PLN: Poche Pen: Instead of using a pen from the gray region, we have a dedicated poche pen. This should make changing the color of poche easier in the future, if we ever have to do it again. It's pen 50. All the model tool defaults and composites are updated. (This change is optional for current projects, but it is