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At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on Mac OS X. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.
Searched for "referencing"

6 Results

In Archicad terminology, a marker is a special object that has a subordinate relationship to another element, representing the element and/or saying something about it. Viewpoint markers represent viewpoints in project windows. Each viewpoint type has its own marker objects. There are default markers for each one in the Archicad library, but we (as usual) use customized stuff. Each marker
Starting with AC 10, we will use 'real' section markers. When we started with AC 5.1, there were fixed section marker styles. (Like the fixed dimension ticks and arrowheads to this day.) We didn't like the available styles, so we adopted the policy of showing sections in plan with an object, independent of the SE cutting element. The independent object
Once I put up that screenshot of the detail marker, I noticed that the gibberish components of the two autotexts are the same. The difference lies in the DRAWINGNUMBER_R and LAYOUTNUMBER_R tags at the front. This means I can have reference markers (section and detail flags) that just need to be told the gibberish segment once, and can build the
Go ahead and replace your titles with Drawing Title JAM81. This object has a new setting, 'Auto Drawing Number'. The default is on. With this setting on, the title in Archicad will appear with 'DRAWINGNUMBER' where the number should be. In PlotMaker, this text will be replaced by a number, which is generated from the position of the drawing in
For calling out wall types and other assemblies. This object is accessed under the detail tool. Typically you will have the detail drawn before placing this object. In this case, check the 'Link to Detail Drawing' box. (If it's checked by default, uncheck it and check it again. This is the only way to change the reference.) Select the appropriate
Detail Tool JAM81 is accessed under the detail tool and can be used in place of 'Detail Marker JAM8'. More on detail windows here. More on the detail tool here.