Especially on the roof framing plan, it helps to dot in the walls below. It's easy and quick.
Go to the story below the roof. Hide all layers except A WALL INT & EXT.
Activate the wall tool and Cmd+A to select all the walls.
Drag a copy of the walls up a fixed distance. Zoom to the new walls and draw a marquee around them.
Activate the door tool and Cmd+A to select all the doors. Delete. Repeat for the windows.
Select all the walls. Explode (Cmd+=).
Select all the fills and delete. Using Find & Select, select the thin wall lines and delete them.
Now all that should remain are the wall outlines. Select them all and change the linetype to dotted. Change the layer to +S Struct note.
Group the lines, cut them, go up to the roof story, paste. Move the group back down into place.
The end.