Drag and drop.
Pen 45: Heavy Lines
Pen 32: Light Lines
Pen 65: Line points
Casing orientation: 11-14 vertical, profile right. 21-24 Horizontal, profile up
{ 0'-} -> { }
{-0'-} -> {-}
{0.0000"} -> {0}
{.0000"} -> {"}
{0.5000"} -> {.5"} etc.
Edit POLY2 point statuses:
"typPt" for non-showing points. (4001 -> 4000+typPt)
"finePt" for fineLine points. (4001 -> 4000+finePt) Fineline points coincide with the HS points above.
"onPt" for always on points
15 for all points for callTypes 11, 21
-1 at ends.
Paste into 24/14 first.
Any moulding with invisible profile points on the back should have those points in an IF A_<=8 THEN statement.
For crowns, find openBack point, fill in openBack value.
For 900/4000, add offset points so curves don't draw facets.
Copy to 13/23: delete A_<=8 stuff, and 900/4000 lines.
Continue copying up, eliminating detail. The 11/21 sections should be very blocky, all points "onPt".
For the rot0 profile, copy lines and arcs to back lines/cut lines (31/32).
Put the width and height in 10/20.
Put HOTSPOT2 locations into 3/4. Paste after PUT, delete "HOTSPOT2", end commas.
For casings, put the edge thickness in 5.