On Land

Environment Information
At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on macOS. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.

Drag and drop.

Pen 45: Heavy Lines
Pen 32: Light Lines
Pen 65: Line points

Casing orientation: 11-14 vertical, profile right. 21-24 Horizontal, profile up


{ 0'-} -> { }
{-0'-} -> {-}
{0.0000"} -> {0}
{.0000"} -> {"}
{0.5000"} -> {.5"} etc.

Edit POLY2 point statuses:

"typPt" for non-showing points. (4001 -> 4000+typPt)
"finePt" for fineLine points. (4001 -> 4000+finePt) Fineline points coincide with the HS points above.
"onPt" for always on points
15 for all points for callTypes 11, 21
-1 at ends.

Paste into 24/14 first.

Any moulding with invisible profile points on the back should have those points in an IF A_<=8 THEN statement.

For crowns, find openBack point, fill in openBack value.

For 900/4000, add offset points so curves don't draw facets.

Copy to 13/23: delete A_<=8 stuff, and 900/4000 lines.

Continue copying up, eliminating detail. The 11/21 sections should be very blocky, all points "onPt".

For the rot0 profile, copy lines and arcs to back lines/cut lines (31/32).

Put the width and height in 10/20.

Put HOTSPOT2 locations into 3/4. Paste after PUT, delete "HOTSPOT2", end commas.

For casings, put the edge thickness in 5.