Location: 01 General / 1 Graphic Symbols
This is your basic CL symbol, since most fonts don't have it. You can change the font and size, and apply bold formatting. It's is an update to CenterLine Sym JM9, which it replaces. It should be on BIMcomponents soon, or you can download it here. I've added two features based on community feedback.
First is the option to show a line in addition to the symbol. If the line is shown, you have the option of repeating the CL symbol at the other end.
Update: If the line is shown and the symbol at the end is on, the symbol at the start can be turned off. In this way you can have the line pointing up from the symbol.
Second, I saw Jakub Chruscinski's version of my old symbol on BIMcomponents, which includes a complete font list in the text options. I'm offering the complete list as an option since it seems like something people like, but it defaults to off. I prefer to restrict the list to our standard fonts.
The default font is Arial in the version I am sharing, but the sublime font in the preview is Gill Sans, which is what we use in practice.
Wonkish: The symbol code consists of two text blocks whose alignment is set using X and Y coordinate offsets with absurd precision (0.0001"). Not all fonts will look right automatically. To get an arbitrary font to look good, you might need to open the 2D script and modify the offsets.
Placement tip: Set the object to insert by the top or bottom hotspot, and use the Rotated geometry method of the object tool.
Download (AC16)