On Land

Environment Information
At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on macOS. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.

'Cutline JAM9' uses a SPLINE2 statement for the pretty part. This is OK, but it prevents us from having an easy masking function in the cutline.

Instead of a spline, use an trimmed ellipse. We can build the ellipse from a 900/4000 POLY2_A, which can have a fill, and stretch it with a MUL2.

The S looks good when 1/11 of the ellipse is trimmed off. After the MUL2, this is the same as 1/11 of the circle.

Need to figure out how much arc is left after that trim.

One side of the S will be filled. The other side will be filled except for the ellipse.

UPDATE: Done. That should hold for a while.