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At Rill & Decker Architects we run ArchiCAD on Mac OS X. If you work at Rill & Decker, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.
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Tech Meeting Notes, ArchiCAD 8 Navigator, July 29, 2003.


Here's a summary of the single key commands in ArchiCAD. I didn't know some of them either. G & C will save you a lot of mouse milage.

  • A - Activates the Angle Coordintate
  • B - Activates the Base Value (in the Info Box)
  • C - Cycles through the Construction Methods
  • D - Activates the Divisions Snap Option**
  • G - Cycles through the Geometry Methods
  • H - Activates the Angle Bisector Modifiers**
  • O - Activates and switches between Offset and Multiple Offset**
  • P - Activates and switches between Parallel and Perpendicular Modifiers**
  • Q - Cycles through the Quick Alignment Methods (when Shift-constraining)
  • R - Activates the Radial Coordinate
  • S - Cycles through the Grid Snap Options (former esc function)
  • T - Activates the Top Value (in the Info Box)
  • X - Activates the X Coordinate
  • Y - Activates the Y Coordinate
  • Z - Activates the Z Coordinate
  • 2 - Pans Left
  • 4 - Pans Down
  • 6 - Pans Right
  • 8 - Pans Up

** Broken in OS X. Too bad, epecially P.

Purpose and locations of the ArchiCAD and PlotMaker preferences, and why you care.


There is an issue in AC8 v3 where certain details can not be deleted or renamed. Graphisoft Tech Support has provided a solution.

I have fixed the templates, so this shouldn't be a problem for new projects, but I'm sure there are some running projects that need to be fixed.


When installing ArchiCAD, don't do the Easy install. Custom install is faster and saves space.


This is a reprint of the notes for the Libraries & Objects tech meeting a while back.


I have announced this before, but just to reiterate, emphasize, clarify...

New projects should be begun in ArchiCAD 8.


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